What is the best online CPR and First Aid certification?

Online CPR certification and first aid certification can be a minefield. Many websites claim to offer online certification in CPR, first aid and AED. In some cases, these websites charge a hefty fee for your CPR/First Aid certificate!Online First Aid certification

So what is the best online CPR and First Aid certification? Is it ‘legit’ to obtain a first aid certificate online? 

This is a difficult area and will depend on your local laws and regulations.

Things to consider before choosing online CPR/First Aid certification include:

  • Is the qualification accredited? If so by whom? 
  • How much does it cost? Are there any hidden certification costs?
  • What is the content of the course?
  • What independent reviews are out there?

There are a number of advantages to online courses and certification in CPR/First Aid. These include:

  • Cost – often online courses are cheaper
  • Convenience – they can be taken at any time and require only a computer
  • Interactivity – many good online courses are now very interactive and are excellent learning opportunities.

Want to learn a bit more about first aid? Here at firstaidforfree.com we offer free online courses in first aid, CPR and AED. There are no registration fees and no certificate fees. All you need to sign up is a valid email address! 

John Furst

JOHN FURST is an experienced emergency medical technician and qualified first aid and CPR instructor. John is passionate about first aid and believes everyone should have the skills and confidence to take action in an emergency situation.

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6 Responses

  1. samson kalu says:

    ls interesting

  2. David Twene Manu says:

    How do I get my certificate?

    • John Furst says:

      In order to download your certificate you need to make sure you have marked all the units as ‘completed’. They should all appear with a green tick next to them on the course homepage.

      You can find out more on our help pages: https://staging.firstaidforfree.com/help-faq/

      Once you’ve marked all the units as completed you will be emailed a link to download your certificate. Please note this email may take a couple of minutes to arrive. If you do not receive an email then please check your ‘spam’ or ‘junk’ box.

  3. Maryam Bashar Jabbar says:

    That course was very useful and helpful…thank you so much mr. John.

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