Category: First aid blog


Free Online Courses for First Aiders

First aiders have a responsibility to keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date. There are a number of online courses that you can use for your Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Some of these go beyond...


First Aid Tip: First Aid for Fainting

Most of us will have experienced a faint at some point in our lives, but what exactly causes this phenomenon? What is a faint and why does it happen? A faint is a brief...


Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Overview

CPR, kiss of life, resuscitation, heart massage. There are numerous terms used for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) by the media and general public. These terms can sometimes lead to confusion around CPR and what it...


First Aid for Severe Bleeding

The average person has around 8 – 10 pints of blood in their body. Our blood is vital to life. It carries Oxygen to all the cells in our body and removes waste products...


First Aid for Minor Burns

Minor or first degree burns are incredibly common household injuries. Our homes are full of items which can cause burns – hair straighteners, kettles, toasters, electric heaters. The list is endless! Generally, burns are caused...


How to Call an Ambulance?

When a medical emergency occurs, calling for an ambulance could help you save someone’s life. Every second counts in such situations. However, not everyone knows how to call an ambulance. Some aren’t aware of...


Recognising a Stroke – the FAST Test

It’s crazy to think 1 in 6 people worldwide will suffer a stroke in their lifetime. In the United States, on average, one person every 40 seconds has a stroke. Early medical treatment can...


How to Stop Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds occur when one of the blood vessels in the nose’s lining bursts. Owing to the position of the nose and the high density of blood vessels it contains, nosebleeds are quite common. Although...

Cover for The Complete First Aid Pocket Guide Book 0

Useful books for first aiders

The Complete First Aid Pocket Guide – 2018 (John Furst) Written by First Aid For Free’s creator John Furst, this concise informative guide is the perfect ‘go to’ for a first aider on the...