Author: John Furst

Free online first aid certificate 11

Free online first aid certificate

Want to learn first aid online? Our free online first aid course has been upgraded and revamped with new first aid modules. As part of this upgrade we’ve rolled out online first aid certificates...


First aid for scrapes

Scrapes are common injuries which can often be treated effectively with simple first aid. What is a scrape? An area where the skin is rubbed off is called a scrape. This is not a...


How to make fake blood

Practicing first aid isn’t easy. It’s hard to simulate a real life accident to allow first aiders to practice their lifesaving skills. One thing you can make very easily however is fake blood. Making...


Fire safety advice for first aiders

Fire is a constant risk in every home and workplace. Although not professional firefighters, first aiders should at least have a basic knowledge of fire safety. Small fires can be put out with a...


The four Bs of first aid

The four Bs of first aid is a technique used to prioritise injured casualties in an emergency situation. This is useful during incidents where there may be multiple injured casualties such as at a...

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The three Cs of first aid

The three Cs of first aid is used to provide a structure for how you should act in an emergency first aid situation. If you remember the three Cs you won’t go far wrong...

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Want to write a guest post?

Here at we’re passionate about providing free high quality first aid information for our readers. We’re always keen to hear from any authors who might be interested in writing a guest post for...


The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) for first aiders

The Glasgow Coma Scale (commonly shortened to GCS) is a measurement of a patients level of consciousness, ie how awake the patient is.  As the name suggests, the scale was first designed in Glasgow for...


How to take a pulse in first aid

Taking a pulse is an important first aid skill which first aiders should feed confident in doing. There are several reasons why taking a pulse is important and several techniques which you can use....


‘Witness’ a stabbing live on Facebook

‘Witness’ is a new interactive first aid film from the British Red Cross encouraging young people to learn basic first aid knowledge. In the film the viewer is a witness to a stabbing on...


ACLS: Advanced Cardiac Life Support

We get quite a few hits to this blog for people looking for online information about Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) or how to get certified in ACLS. Here’s a quick blog post which...